Shopper insights

Shopper insights
Cimigo will help you make better choices to meet shopper needs and enable you to positively disrupt their shopping journey.
Shopper ethnography
Cimigo can help you make better choices for your retail execution. Shoppers prior to entering the store are asked to wear unobtrusive video and audio recording through specialised glasses (shopper eyewear).
Shopper ethnography is typically used in combination with in store shopper measurement and shopper post shop interviews. Shopper ethnography will help you make better choice on how to grow further at the shopper’s moment of truth.
Actual observable behaviour across shoppers is complemented by a post shop interview discussing their journey. Whilst the shopper talks through playback and is qualitatively interviewed.
Typically, studies investigate:
- Understanding of choices being made.
- Results are tied to actual experience.
- Likes, dislikes and rationales are unveiled.
- Choice points and triggers are understood.
- Barriers to conversion are identified.
Shopper post shop interviews
Cimigo can help you make better choices for your retail execution. Shopper post shop interviews is typically used in combination with in store shopper measurement and shopper ethnography.
Typically, studies investigate:

- Store choice.
- Shopping list.
- Planned versus actual purchases.
- Category pull.
- Activity recall.
- Shopper profile.
- Store satisfaction
The quantifiabla metrics and stated rationales enable Cimigo to understand the impact of in store activities and test various experimental scenarios on range, placeme and display.
In store shopper measurement
Cimigo can help you make better choices for your retail execution. The difference between success and failure is in knowing what is happening in store now rather than at the end of a period of activation.
Cimigo’s store auditors use the Cimigo OnMobile application to report findings instantly and easily. In store shopper measurement is typically used in combination with shopper post shop interviews and shopper ethnography. Typically studies investigate shopper traffic, disruption and conversions;
Typically, studies investigate:

- Traffic flow.
- Stop and go.
- Time spent.
- Browser.
- Display stopper.
- Pack reader.
- Buyer.