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Pack development
Pack tests
Pack tests with eye tracking
Pack development and testing
Pack development

Packaging is the embodiment of your brand’s proposition. Without packing there would be no differentiation. Most packs continuously evolve to stay contemporary whilst preserving readily identifiable brand assets. Qualitative packaging development often will be integral to concept development or if treated separately and follow a similar approach.
Pack tests

Simple quantitative pack tests often compare new designs with current designs to determine preference. They are typically tested on a rotated basis, one after the other (sequential monadic design) before being compared side by side.
- Pack associations.
- Pack messaging.
- Pack aesthetics and utility.
- Pack preference between options and versus competitors.
- Brand recognition.
- Areas for improvement.
Cimigo’s pack testing service is available as a self-service RapidSurvey solution or Cimigo can support you with a customised service.
Pack tests with eye tracking
Eye tracking is often deployed in addition to survey questions. This helps Cimigo to determine the impact the pack has on shoppers in store and on the shelf. Occasionally this uses a mock store environment, but this setup is prohibitively expensive for many clients. Eye tracking technology is often a virtual solution that can be conducted with the target group online. Typically, packs including competitors
Cimigo’s pack testing service is available as a self-service RapidSurvey solution or Cimigo can support you with a customised service.
Typically, packs including competitors are shown on virtual shelf so that Cimigo can learn how shoppers scan their shopping environment and just what grabs attention. The ability to gauge exactly what is looked at, for how long and in what order enables Cimigo to help you make better decisions on which pack option to pursue and how best to optimise it.
Eye tracking enables Cimigo to determine;

Heatmaps show you which products are looked at most – those which are “hot” are superior to those that are not.

Quantitative metrics allow Cimigo to identify which packaging is attracting first gaze and length of gaze to determine which attract attention and hold attention.

With eye tracking Cimigo can identify what in the range is actually looked at and in what concentration. Using “fixations” (i.e. when a consumer focuses) Cimigo have clear metrics on the speed at which a product is found; the extent to which it is focused on; and whether respondents come back to look at the product again. All of these metrics mean Cimigo can identify the effectiveness of a product standing out and therefore its ability to capture the attention of consumers.
In this Clear Asahi beer example, the gaze movement from mid-to-upper; indicates viewing of the brand logo and beer bubbles logo motif in the centre which includes a brand message. Fixations demonstrate that most time is spent on the brewer’s name ahead of the brand variant.

At the individual pack-level, Cimigo can also determine key messaging, hierarchy and fixations. Hence Cimigo can determine in what order and for how long respondents spend on key elements of the packaging. This enables Cimigo to determine whether respondents are spending time (and seeing) key communication elements or whether they are confused or spending time on elements that are not helpful in increasing understanding of the brand and its features. Comparing across pack designs enables Cimigo to help you make better choices and to ensure your pack does not get left behind on the shelf.
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