Fitbar taps into healthy lifestyles Vietnam

Healthy packaged snacks emerge in Vietnam where Fitbar taps into healthy lifestyles in Vietnam.  Fitbar form Kalbe Indonesia launched in October 2015.  The proposition combines great taste with health for guilt free snacking. The 25g rice cereal bar retails for 8,000d (or 39,000 for a box of five) providing a good value convenience.  There are not enough healthy brands to satisfy consumer desires as Cimigo, market research companies Vietnam Asia, demonstrated in market research reports Vietnamese Consumer Healthy Choices.

Fitbar for healthy lifestyles

Kalbe has correctly identified a lifestyle need for healthy convenient snacks in Vietnam, however they will need to invest heavily to build the category as the first entrant. Cimgio suspect that Fitbar will remain niche unless a more aggressive competitor enters the fray, who is prepared to make the marketing investments required to build the category.   It is a matter of timing, but we expect to see this healthy snack category to evolve over the coming three years.

No TVC investment has yet been seen in Vietnam.  The TVC below is from Indonesia.

Fitbar for healthy lifestyles from Indonesia TVC

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